Addiction Treatment in Nacogdoches, TX

Addiction refers to the state of being dependent on something. Most commonly, the term refers to dependence on alcohol or drugs. This includes household chemicals and prescription medications. You don't need to be using something illegal to be an addict. In fact, alcohol, which is readily available to adults in every state, is the most commonly abused substance. Addiction treatment in Nacogdoches is less concerned with the status of the substance involved than with the effect the substance has on your health, behavior and overall well-being.

Addiction involves psychological dependence. You might feel anxious, frustrated, angry or depressed if you cannot use. You also might think obsessively about how to get your substance and cognitively prioritize using over other things, including work or spending time with friends or family.

The other half of addiction is physical dependence. Over time, chronic exposure to drugs or alcohol changes structures in your brain, affecting your natural reward systems. The brain becomes unable to function properly without the substance being present in your body. You may have trouble regulating your moods or experience difficulty completing cognitive tasks as a result. Physical dependence also can result in physiological symptoms when you stop using, such as nausea, vomiting, shaking or elevated blood pressure.

Aside from psychological and physiological withdrawal, addiction's major hallmark is that the addict can't control their use of the substance. They keep pursuing the substance and using it even though they might be aware of potential negative consequences. This is important to note because it prevents the addict and others from having unrealistic expectations while going through therapy programs for addiction, directing everyone involved toward a more supportive, blameless and science-based approach.

Because addicts cannot control their drug use on their own, addiction treatment in Nacogdoches usually is most successful if an addict seeks help from friends, family members and professionals. These individuals can help the addict understand what triggers their substance abuse and develop strategies to stay clean. They also can help the addict through medical detox in Nacogdoches, which can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, life threatening.

Types of Therapy Programs for Addiction

No two addicts have exactly the same experiences, circumstances, preferences, personality or biology. Subsequently, professionals who provide addiction treatment in Nacogdoches generally accept that what works for one individual might not be effective for another. They are eager to offer as many types of substance abuse treatment therapies as they can, although factors like training and funding might affect what their organizations can support.

Depending on which drug or alcohol facility you examine, you might find options such as art therapy, 12-step programs, family therapy, biofeedback, individual counseling, moral reconation therapy, general spirituality and smart recovery, just to name a few. Our drug and alcohol rehab in Nacogdoches offers substance abuse treatment options like restorative yoga or art therapy. No matter what option you choose, the ideas are to provide encouragement and empathy, unravel what motivates you to use and to break the patterns of isolation you might face.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most commonly used therapy options in addiction treatment in Nacogdoches. This type of therapy attempts to change your attitudes and behaviors by challenging the thoughts, images, beliefs and attitudes behind them. Generally, people who are going through addiction treatment in Nacogdoches spend at least one hour a week on cognitive behavioral therapy, with sessions lasting up to 10 months in most cases.

Many therapists take a more spiritual approach as part of addiction recovery treatment, so 12-step programs are very popular. These programs take you through a series of steps, such as admitting you don't have control over the drugs/alcohol, accepting that a higher power can help you and making amends with people you've hurt. Many people find these programs useful because the programs help addicts gain a better understanding of who they are and the place they have in the world.

It's important to remember that you are not "stuck" in any particular type of therapy. You can tell your therapist or program director that you'd like to try something different, although they might encourage you to stick with initial recommendations for a few more sessions to be sure those therapies aren't for you.

The more open you are with your therapist, the more accurately they can match you to a therapy option that is likely to result in progress and keep you from relapsing. Additionally, you needn't use the different types of therapies independently. You can have family therapy sessions, for example, at the same time you're working through the 12-steps. Work collaboratively with your therapist to develop the ideal customized plan, and don't be afraid to adjust your program if circumstances change. Call us for help now (877) 804-1531.

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